Children At Heart FAQs
Children At Heart Ministries is a family of ministries that is dedicated to transforming the lives of all children and families. Our family of ministries includes Gracewood, Miracle Farm, and Texas Baptist Children’s Home.
The Children At Heart Foundation serves the Children At Heart family of ministries by managing endowment resources and making grants to assist with operating costs and capital needs.
Children At Heart depends on the generosity of its donors for daily operating costs, capital expansion, and other special needs. Donations include proceeds from annual giving campaigns, grants designated for specific purposes, and estate gifts.
Gracewood, Miracle Farm, and Texas Baptist Children’s Home each have Presidents who are responsible for day-to-day operations and trustees who help establish policy, provide oversight, and offer an external perspective. The President & CEO of Children At Heart Ministries serves as the vice chair for each of the ministries boards.
The President & CEO of Children At Heart Ministries reports to the CAHM Board of Trustees. The board membership is appointed annually by the Baptist General Convention of Texas.
The Children At Heart Foundation is led by an independent Board of Trustees.
Each of the individual ministries, including CAHM and CAHF, are members of the Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability. ECFA standards include a commitment to Christian faith, annual financial audits, transparency in financial operations, truthfulness in fundraising and communications, and respect for donor intent and donor expectations. Each ministry is also registered with GuideStar and file the IRS Form 990 annually, copies of which are available upon request.
Our Mission Advancement staff has expertise in charitable estate planning and can help you and connect you to other valuable resources to assist in developing a plan that best meets the needs of your family and benefits the charities you love. Contact Maynard Phillips to learn more. As you would with any financial decision, you should also consult with your family and other personal financial advisers.
Ministry Specific FAQs
Gracewood rescues children and their single mothers, ensuring a bright future by providing home, hope, and healing.
Miracle Farm provides an environment for Christ to forge young men of integrity who are firmly connected to the sense of security, acceptance, and significance that comes from an identity in Christ.